
In the previous tutorial, we inferred transmission networks from large scale phyloscanner output.

In this tutorial, we will identify phylogenetically highly-supported source-recipient pairs within reconstructed transmission networks. We will:

  1. Classify phylogenetic linkages based on their phylogenetic support.
  2. Test phylogenetic inferences into the direction of transmission against available epidemiologic data.

Setting up the analysis

We resume analysis from the previous tutorial, and start by loading the pairs of individuals between whom linkage could not be excluded, and the transmission networks that could be inferred amongst them:

HOME <- "/Users/Oliver/sandbox/DeepSeqProjects"
indir <- file.path(HOME, "RakaiPopSample_phyloscanner_analysis")
infile.pairs <- file.path(indir, "phsc_analysis_of_dataset_S1_allpairs.rda")
infile.networks <- file.path(indir, "phsc_analysis_of_dataset_S1_allnetworks.rda")
load(infile.pairs)  # loads rtp, rplkl, rpw
load(infile.networks)  # loads rtn, rtnn

Do make sure that the directory names above do not start with “~”, because the names are not expanded in the scripts below. White space, or characters like ‘-’ are OK.

Classify phylogenetic linkages

The data.table rtnn contains all information needed to classify linkages. Following analysis of the Rakai population-based sample, we specify as cut-off for strong support of phylogenetic linkage that the proportion of deep-sequence phylogenies with close and adjacent subgraphs of two indivuals in the most likely transmission chain exceeds 60% (conf.cut= 60%):

conf.cut <- 0.6
rtnn[, `:=`(PHYLOSCANNER_CLASSIFY, NA_character_)]
set(rtnn, rtnn[, which(], "PHYLOSCANNER_CLASSIFY", "insufficient deep sequence data for at least one individual")
set(rtnn, rtnn[, which(! & &], 
    "PHYLOSCANNER_CLASSIFY", "ph unlinked pair")
set(rtnn, rtnn[, which(! & POSTERIOR_SCORE_LINKED <= 
    conf.cut)], "PHYLOSCANNER_CLASSIFY", "unclear if pair ph linked or unlinked")
set(rtnn, rtnn[, which(! & POSTERIOR_SCORE_LINKED > 
    conf.cut)], "PHYLOSCANNER_CLASSIFY", "ph linked pair direction not resolved")
set(rtnn, rtnn[, which(! & POSTERIOR_SCORE_LINKED > 
    conf.cut & POSTERIOR_SCORE_12 > conf.cut)], "PHYLOSCANNER_CLASSIFY", "ph linked pair direction 12")
set(rtnn, rtnn[, which(! & POSTERIOR_SCORE_LINKED > 
    conf.cut & POSTERIOR_SCORE_21 > conf.cut)], "PHYLOSCANNER_CLASSIFY", "ph linked pair direction 21")

We already noted in the previous tutorial that highly-supported phylogenetic linkage does not exclude the possibility that unsampled intermediates may be present, even with deep sequence data. To better interpret inferred, phylogenetically highly supported linkages, we add information by gender:

tmp <- subset(rtp, select = c(ID1, ID2, ID1_SEX, ID2_SEX))
rtnn <- merge(rtnn, tmp, by = c("ID1", "ID2"))
tmp <- subset(rtnn, ID1_SEX == "F" & ID2_SEX == "M")
setnames(tmp, colnames(tmp), gsub("xx", "ID2", gsub("ID2", "ID1", gsub("ID1", 
    "xx", gsub("xx", "12", gsub("12", "21", gsub("21", "xx", colnames(tmp))))))))
set(tmp, NULL, "PHYLOSCANNER_CLASSIFY", tmp[, gsub("xx", "12", gsub("12", "21", 
    gsub("21", "xx", PHYLOSCANNER_CLASSIFY)))])
rtnn <- rbind(subset(rtnn, !(ID1_SEX == "F" & ID2_SEX == "M")), tmp)
rtnn[, `:=`(PAIR_SEX, paste0(ID1_SEX, ID2_SEX))]
rtp <- subset(rtnn, !grepl("unlinked|insufficient", PHYLOSCANNER_CLASSIFY))
rtp[, table(PAIR_SEX)]

Thus, a considerable proportion of highly supported phylogenetic links were between two women, even though HIV-1 is extremely rarely transmitted sexually between women, suggesting that unsampled intermediates are likely present. From these numbers, we expect that the proportion of highly supported male-female links between whom there are likely unsampled intermediates could be up to 35.4%, because there are almost twice as many possible male-female combinations than female-female combinations.

Validate phylogenetic inferences into the direction of transmission

These observations prompted us to focus on using deep-sequence data for inferences into the direction of transmission at the population-level, and within partially sampled networks. Our main idea is that source cases, that were phylogenetically identified, likely are transmitters regardless of the presence of unsampled intermediates. Therefore, as a whole they provide evidence into the sources of epidemic spread. To validate our inferences, we considered phylogenetically linked pairs of individuals with epidemiological and clinical data on the direction of transmission. We start by loading these data:

infile <- "~/sandbox/DeepSeqProjects/RakaiPopSample_data/Dataset_S3.csv"
red <-
setnames(red, c("MALE_ID", "FEMALE_ID"), c("ID1", "ID2"))

Let us compare the epidemiologic data against our phylogenetic inferences:

# select male-female pairs with highly supported direction
rtpd <- subset(rtnn, ID1_SEX == "M" & ID2_SEX == "F" & grepl("direction 12|direction 21", 
set(rtpd, NULL, "PHYLOSCANNER_CLASSIFY", rtpd[, gsub("ph linked pair direction 21", 
    "fm", gsub("ph linked pair direction 12", "mf", PHYLOSCANNER_CLASSIFY))])
rtpd <- subset(rtpd, select = c(ID1, ID2, PHYSCANNER_DIR))
rtpd <- merge(rtpd, red, by = c("ID1", "ID2"))

Thus, the large majority of phylogenetic inferences in our validation panel are consistent with epidemiologic and clinical data.